Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool

Had a fantastic day today.  We were location scouting for a very exciting shoot later this month.  We are shooting with Big Freeze... Matrix Style!!!!

Today we focused on mountain bike trails, picnic areas, and service areas.  Here is one of my favorite pictures of one of the trails:

I was an April fool because I did not have the following: proper shoes, sunscreen, an umbrella, and a bike (which would have made looking at bike trails much easier...)

But we still found what I think is the perfect location.  Next week we will be looking for areas to kayak.

BTW, my boss is f-u-n-n-y, it was a very productive and fun day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna need a BIG FREEZE at E's next game. Cool? That looks awesome. Can I come crash your shoot? Peter
