Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool (A to Z)

Today is the first day of the A to Z Challenge! I was a little worried because I am not feeling up-to-par today.  I still have pain from my teeth pulling extravaganza and not a lot of energy with an all-liquid diet, so my planned "Art" events were going to be canceled.

Oh dear, what am I going to do!  No fear.  I forgot about the fool I live with :)

(Caitlin is a brills stylist!)

Hubby made a very lame attempt at an "April Fools" day joke.  "I have 2 stay (at work) till 4"... unfortunately for him I was in a pain-med-induced nap... ha! He had to call the girlies to see if I got the text. From there he was the goofy hubby that I love... until...

Don't joke about shakes with a pain-induced-liquid-diet wife! 
Shakes are no laughing matter!

But he's cuddling me the rest of the day... so he's forgiven.


  1. Cute start to the challenge. Sounds like your hubby keeps you laughing, even when you're on pain meds. Get well soon, and happy A-Zing!

  2. Ouch! I hope you're feeling more comfortable now and able to eat something a little less liquid . . .

  3. Ugh. I'm due some major work and not looking forward to it at all.

    lolol! Did he really try that? Loved your script.


  4. Hope you heal up soon. Ouch!

  5. I love your script as well. Hope you feel better soon--tooth problems are no fun!
