Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top Secret...

Today started off  interesting... and by "today" I mean just barely! At 12:45-ish this morning my littlest girlie walked into the living room and began sorting through the clean clothes pile that was on the couch.

Side note: I don't know why I was up so late and I'm not going to mention how long this clean clothes pile has been on the couch.

Back to Caitlin... as she is sorting through clothes I am trying to talk to her, "Caitlin?... Caitlin are you okay?... What's the matter baby?" no response.  Not even a glance in my direction. Ah, she's sleep walking again.  (Keeps things interesting around the house.  She likes to talk in her sleep too.  Both my girlies talk and walk in their sleep...)

She has grabbed a pair of panties and is walking out of the room... "Caitlin? Did you wet the bed?" I give her a little squeeze... she looks up at me in a very dreamy way, "Not the bed."

Hmmm... Not the bed? As I'm pondering this she walks down the hall.  I get her back into bed... and she's right, the bed is not wet.

I love this wonderful, weird world.

Meanwhile... Here is my little Caitlin with her Top Secret book...

This is such a fantastic, clever, and funny book.  Completely created by Caitlin. I begged her to let me take some pictures and share the content, but she said no.  And I really try to respect their privacy on this blog.

She said I could share this picture of her holding the book, and she even requested this frame around the photo... But I have to say "top secret book, only for family!"

This is the first photo of my girlies, to my recollection, where I thought "wow, they really look alike!" It's the eyes... and the grainy quality of the photo... and that you can't see any other part of her face. But mainly it's the eyes.  My girlies have the same beautiful eyes.

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