Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gangsta Barbie

Caitlin is finally having a play-date with Kyla.  Her favorite friend moved to a different school this past year and we have only gotten together a few times.  I feel horrible about this because Caitlin is always asking about her.

So hurray! Caitlin could not wait... all week long was a countdown to Saturday.  All morning long was a countdown to 10:00 (I did not know 2 hours could be so long!)

With Siobain away with a friend the girlies had the house to themselves.  It has been Barbies and Polly Pockets all. day. long.  Even when we ran an errand, the Polly dolls came along and continued their adventure in the car.

I captured the girlies playing at the doll house.  The besties are in heaven.

And then both these charming little girls break out with "gangsta."  Technically I think Kyla is doing a "hook-em-horns" sign but my little Caitlin could not be displaying more gangsta attitude.  Where does this come from?  Not from playing Barbies. Not from our neighborhood.  Is Wizards of Waverly Place putting secret gangster plots that I don't see?

Or is this just the new norm to a new generation?  Turning something of an older generation into an innocent mockery?

Well, I can hear the crooning of High School Musical coming from the bedroom... so I guess my girlies not all gangsta yet.

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