Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Birth Day!

I had a wonderful evening with my sisters and Gorgeous last night.  I've been lucky to help take care of my littlest girlie in the evenings this past week.  Siobain has gotten too pregnant to pick Kate up, so I became part of their bedtime routine for three wonderful nights.

Last night Gorgeous came over and so did Sarah... the contractions were three minutes apart and then two minutes apart.  Siobain was such a trooper, giving Kate this bedtime routine for the last time while breathing through pain (I can only assume the routine will change when the baby comes home.)

I got my iPhone out and using the stop-watch I wrote down the contraction times and durations.  Such a little thing made me feel part of the action.

Of coarse we had moments of laughter... and I felt closer to these three important women than I had in a long time.

I stayed home with Kate while Mom and Sarah took Siobain to the hospital.  I'm sure there was lots of excitement going on, but I was happy with my job of making sure Kate and Auggie the Doggie were safe and sound.

When hubby Jason arrived at the hospital everyone left and let them experience this miracle together... and Henry arrived...

So exciting! I now have 5 girlies and 1 main man.  I was admittedly disappointed when I found out that Siobain was having a boy but there is nothing but joy now, how can there be anything else once I set my eyes on my  main man.

This photo is a little funny.  My baby girlies (9!) and (13!) are not that "in to" babies.  So we discussed the photo plan before we went into the room.  No one wanted to hold Henry... so I decided Caitlin would hold Henry and Siobain would hug them both.

Once we were in the room it was clear that I had prepped this photo... and my girlies followed directions... and then handed Henry off as soon as possible. Hubby on the other hand... I had to tell him "NO, we are done having babies." I don't think he would have given Henry back if I hadn't taken him right out of his arms. 

Such a joyous day and thanks be to God for a healthy mother and baby.

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