Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I got home pretty late tonight because I was able to get into see Vera* this afternoon because of a last minute cancellation.  By the time I got home it was time for showers.  Caitlin came in and was showcasing her multiplication skills when I noted that she must have taken a very loooooooong shower...

She is adorable!

*I love Vera, the best counselor in the whole wide world. I have a conflict for my regularly scheduled appointment (yes, I'm a regular) and I was bummed I wouldn't get to see her this week... but she had a last minute cancellation today!

Today's appointment was HARD.  I closed a door today. I couldn't have done it without Vera and God.  The door is tightly closed.  Very exciting.  So exhausting.

If I could, my gift to everyone would be at least one appointment with Vera. She is inspiring and wise and human... 

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